Saturday, April 23, 2011


This newspaper illustration was about the Armenian Genocide week, and how they should concentrate less on the politics behind the event (ex: Turkey not acknowledging the event as a genocide) and concentrate more on informing the public about the historical perspective.

I had a hard time conceptualizing this (how do you conceptualize "historical perspective"?), especially since they said to use symbols to, once again, avoid offending the readers.

But I do want to say this: after speaking to the writer, it was clear that they had done very little research about the genocide, and probably had a poor background in genocide studies, Armenia or history in general. I was frustrated that they didn't consider the proper identification of genocide as something significant. They obviously didn't realize that if/when Turkey does finally label the Great Crime as genocide, new information for historians could finally be unearthed that was hidden from the world for decades. They told me that the genocide didn't have compelling historical accounts like Anne Frank, or chilling videos like the Holocaust. Well, that's because most of the information we need is from two sources: the dying survivors of the genocide, and the Turkish government that condoned the violence. And the government won't give us the accounts we need until they finally label this terrible crime as a genocide. That is the first step, and it is significant.

Anyway, that is my rant. I'm just tired of illustrating for articles that have slapdash research, and this irked me more due to my own studies in Armenian history. Gah.

EDIT: Just read the article, and I believe they changed the angle to just promote the historical awareness of the event. I like that better than what the writer initially told me about it.

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